Bundle, surface, and trace options

Each system for analysis takes some configuration of bundle and surfaces as input, and produces a trace. The built-in options are summarized as follows (more details in Reference):


Physically, x,y,z are position and angx,angy are direction tangent angles (angles in radians). zpos is a fixed z position. Dx,Dy,Dz are direction cosine (unit vector) components.


  • zplane is a z-plane, with one coefficient used to describe the fixed z-location of the plane.
  • spherical is a sphere, with one coefficient used to describe the z-location of the apex, and the other to describe the signed radius of curvature relative to that apex.
  • aspherical is an aspherical surface, with coefficients describing the z-location, signed radius, conic constant, and arbitrary number of even order radial polynomial contributions.
  • zernike is a zernike polynomial series representation. The normalization radius and arbitrary number of OSA/ANSI coefficients can be provided in coeffs. Rays will terminate with NaN if they strike outside the normalization radius for this built-in function.

Traces and trace methods

Traces are generated when a type of bundle is sent through an opticalstack type. Methods on traces either return organized information on the rays traced from the bundle, or directly return some basic diagnostic.

  • trace is a Type which contains matrices of ray coordinates at all points in propagation.
  • bigtrace is a Type which contains matrices of ray coordinates and direction cosines at all points in propagation.
  • bigtrace_to_bundle returns a bundle object from the ray information at a particular position along propagation in a bigtrace.

Built-in methods to extract data from a trace:

Built-in evaluation methods on trace or bigtrace types return numbers or plots:

  • rms_spot returns the rms-sense spot size of all rays in the trace at a particular position in propagation.
  • splot is a spot plot, and returns a plot of lateral ray coordinates of the bundle at a particular position in propagation.
  • rac returns a line plot of ray coordinates at one position in propagation as a function of the same coordinates at a different point in propagation.